A jsem zas já
hluboko nad věcí
a jsem zas já
palčivá v záblescích
Dívám se do tebe
lesklá a schýlená
jsem trochu z ocele
a trochu smířená
Jak lovec za dravcem
stín s dlažbou ropzálenou
po škole na kole dom', olé
Jak měsíc nad Hradcem
jak pivo na zelenou
to v parku drnkaj' si Romové
Una castana virginal
lustrosa como un pasamanos
aňejo, de madera densa
'Pera un triz
Madza Nikhaj
Jak hejno za vrabcem
půl psem a napůl ženou
do hlavy griotka, rum, olé
Jak měsíc nad Hradcem
spím s tváří odvrácenou
a v parku drnkaj' si Romové
El olor de un buen coňac
el escozor al saborearlo
tu cara antes de que despiertes
'Pera un triz
Madza Nikhaj
Jak mlhy padnou do jiřin
Julie pláče: "madža ňikhaj"
Hodiny "tik-tak" tikaj' do peřin
Á-lá- já…
Nechoď nikam
Hay los momentos que capta la red
tejida con sus hilos de oro
Las manos de los relojes de sol
a tientas entre sombras van, y ya
Kdo ti to, Ivane můj, uvěří
Julie pláče: "madža ňikhaj"
Kdo se to po tmě zas bojí u dveří
Možná já
Nechoď nikam
Lo que recoge adónde se irá
Každý si melem' to svý, olé
A algún remanso otoňal del soňar
a v parku drnkaj' si Romové…
Like a hunter after a bird of prey,
shade and burning sidewalk
riding my bike home after school, olé
Like the moon over Hradec
like a beer after a green liqueur,
that's the way gypsies play their guitars in the park
A virginal chestnut,
shiny like an old handrail
made of dense wood
Wait just a moment
Don't go
Like a flock after a sparrow,
half dog, half woman,
shots of cherry liqueur and rum, olé
Like the moon over Hradec
I sleep facing the other way
and the gypsies are strumming in the park
The smell of a good brandy
the burning sensation when you taste it,
your face before you wake up
Wait just a moment
Don't go
While the fog settles among the dahlias
Julia's crying out "Don't go"
The clocks are ticking "tic toc" into the sheets
Ah la ya…
Don't go
There are those moments caught in the net
woven with golden threads
The hands of sundials
stumbling through shadows
Who's going to believe you, Iván,
Julia's crying out "Don't go"
Who's afraid of the darkness behind the door
Maybe it is me
Don't go
Where does all it doesn't catch go
We all beat our own drums, olé
possibly into the pool of autumn's dreaming
and the gypsies are strumming their guitars in the park